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Buy Ambien Online Overnight Delivery to Subdue Jet Lag Jet lag emerges from a specific mismatch between an individual’s circadian rhythms and time of day in a new time zone. When the doctors try to establish risk, they should first ascertain how many time zones a traveler would cross or travel and what variance would be between time of day at destination and house. During the initial few days after travelling to new time zone, an individual’s circadian rhythms are accustomed to home’s time of day. Afterwards, rhythms adjust slowly to new time zone. To suppress the symptoms of jet lag, buy Ambien online overnight delivery , a major sedative-hypnotic medication used for short duration treatment of sleep problems. The drug produces sedation in the brain, which in turn, allows a person with jet lag to sleep properly for an extensive duration without any interruptions. Caffeine and Alcohol The World Health Organization has pointed that drinking caffeine or alcohol befo...